Frequently Asked Questions
Quickly and easily find answers to the most common questions we get asked.
- About Darden Credit Union
- Account E-Statement
- Bill Pay
- Borrowing
- Buy Now, Pay Later
- Catalyst Connect Checking
- Catalyst Member Rewards
- Checking Account
- Credit Card
- Debit Card
- Evolve Young Adult Checking
- External Account
- General Account
- General Digital Banking
- IRA Account
- Loan Servicing
- Mobile Deposit
- Mortgage
- Share Certificate
- Transfer Money
- Zelle®
The Evolve Young Adult Checking benefits are available on all checking accounts where the primary account holder on membership is between the ages of 16-24. Once the primary member turns 25, the Evolve benefits will cease and the checking account will function as a standard DCU checking account. If an individual in the age range of 16-24 is joint on an account, where the primary member is older than 24, the checking account will not receive Evolve benefits.
We have standard overdraft practices (Convenience Pay) that come with your account. We also offer overdraft protection plans, such as a link to a savings account or a checking line of credit (LOC), which may be less expensive than our standard overdraft practices (Convenience Pay). To learn more, view the Discretionary Convenience Pay Disclosure.
Up to four “oops” fees are reimbursed per calendar year on a qualified Evolve checking account. A maximum of four annual fee reimbursements may consist of any combination of overdraft transfer, insufficient funds (NSF) or Convenience Pay fees. Reimbursement of this fee will occur overnight after the fee has posted to your account.
You may transfer from your account to your child’s account using the “Transfer to another Darden Credit Union member” feature in digital banking. If you are a joint owner on your child’s account, we may be able to link your accounts using an alternate account access feature. This option allows you to see all your accounts and conduct activities under one login. Please contact us to have this set up.
You may receive up to two free money orders or official checks, per calendar year, from a qualified Evolve checking account. This benefit can be used for a combination between the two services (i.e., utilizing one free money order and one free official check). You may also opt to receive two free money orders or two free official checks. The cost for this service is waived at the time of purchase.